Tuesday 20 November 2012

Find All Fields that user cannot access in Ax 2012

Hi Friends,

Note:: The program given below is a sample program and it cannot be used in real scenarios in Ax 2012.

Today we will have a small program in Ax 2012 that is used to find out how many tables and how may field in the tables the security keys are attached and find out which keys there will be security for that.

Here is the program which I have been talking about-----

static void GmTrimAccessFieldScan(Args _args)
// Edit the following three macro values to your needs. For example:
// ** Start: with a table whose name starts with an 'A'.
// ** Stop: with a table whose name starts with a 'Z'.

TreeNode tnTable,
str sTableAosAuth,
int nCountOfTpfTablesFound = 0,
nCountOfAotTables = 0,
nCountOfTrimmedFields = 0;

// Establish start node among the table nodes.
if (#SearchTableNameRangeStart == "")
tnTable = TreeNode::findNode
("\\Data Dictionary\\Tables").AOTfirstChild();
tnTable = TreeNode::findNode
("\\Data Dictionary\\Tables\\" + #SearchTableNameRangeStart);

while (true)
// Provide ongoing progress reports.
if ((nCountOfAotTables MOD 50) == 3)
print int2Str(nCountOfAotTables)
+ " tables examined so far, at " + tnTable.AOTname();
print int2Str(nCountOfTpfTablesFound) + " TPF okay tables found so far.";
print int2Str(nCountOfTrimmedFields) + " trimmed fields found so far.";
print "---------------- Wait...";
// Perhaps stop before the end of the AOT, for convenience.
if (#SearchTableNameRangeStop < tnTable.AOTname() &&
#SearchTableNameRangeStop != ""

// Apply the table name wild card filter.
if (tnTable.AOTname() like #TargetTableNameLikeFilter)
sTableAosAuth = tnTable.AOTgetProperty('AOSAuthorization');
// Test whether there is authority to access the table, under TPF.
if (sTableAosAuth != 'None')
// Loop through the fields on this table.
for (tnField = TreeNode::findNode
('\\Data Dictionary\\Tables\\'
+ tnTable.AOTname()
+ '\\Fields').AOTfirstChild();
tnField = tnField.AOTnextSibling()
sFieldAosAuth = tnField.AOTgetProperty('AOSAuthorization');
// Test whether there is authority to access the field.
if (sFieldAosAuth != 'No')
info(strFmt('%1 %2 is a trimmed field that you cannot access.',
tnTable.AOTname(), tnField.AOTname()));
} // for each field in AOT
} // if table is guarded by the Table Protection Framework (TPF).
} // name is Like

// Prepare for next interation of this loop.
tnTable = tnTable.AOTnextSibling();
if (tnTable == null) break;

} // for each table in AOT

print "-------- Final Report (see also the Infolog) --------";
print int2Str(nCountOfAotTables)
+ " tables examined so far, at end.";
print int2Str(nCountOfTpfTablesFound) + " TPF tables found so far, at end.";
print int2Str(nCountOfTrimmedFields) + " trimmed fields found so far, at end.";
print "-------- Done. --------";

Vivek Chirumamilla

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